‘License To Kill’ Whales, Dolphins Handed to Offshore Wind Power Companies in Biden’s Green Energy Push
Since December, dozens of whales and dolphins have washed up dead along East Coast beaches, especially the New Jersey coast.
Since December, dozens of whales and dolphins have washed up dead along East Coast beaches, especially the New Jersey coast.
A new video has been developed by the SUV GOP Coalition that calls on political leaders to put a pause on all offshore wind construction
“Damn the whales, full speed ahead” seems to be the offshore wind policy of Biden’s NOAA. They now propose to approve yet another site survey, just
“Trekkies” should recall this pithy exchange about endangered humpback whales from the 1986 feature film, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, between Leonard Nimoy’s famous character
Recently, an unusual number of dead whales have washed up on the beaches off the East Coast, stretching from New York to Virginia. A total
There is nothing like a cluster of large whales washing up dead on the shores of New York, New Jersey, and Virginia to get the